Developer Tutorial ================== This tutorial will demonstrate how to use `RPi-DeviceAdapters`_ to write, build, and deploy a simple `Micro-Manager`_ device adapter for the Raspberry Pi on a laptop or desktop. RPi-DeviceAdapters provides these capabilities to make development easier; you do not need to develop new device adapters directly on the Raspberry Pi. .. _RPi-DeviceAdapters: .. _Micro-Manager: Linux ----- Requirements ++++++++++++ - `Git`_ - `Subversion`_ (for the Micro-Manager dependencies) - `Docker`_ - `Docker Compose`_ - `Make`_ - `QEMU`_ .. _Git: .. _Subversion: .. _Docker: .. _Docker Compose: .. _Make: .. _QEMU: QEMU installation ................. The QEMU emulator is used to emulate a ARM processor architecture on a x86_64 system. It is setup as follows: On Ubuntu, install the emulation packages with the commands: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt update $ sudo install qemu qemu-user-static qemu-user binfmt-support If you are not using Ubuntu, search for and install these packages in your system's respective package manager. Next, register QEMU in the build agent: .. code-block:: console $ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset Setup +++++ Begin by opening a shell, cloning the RPi-DeviceAdapters repository, and navigating inside the root directory of the cloned repository. .. code-block:: console $ # For HTTPS, use $ git clone $ cd RPi-DeviceAdapters Inside you will find a folder named `ci` (for continuous integration). This folder contains all the tools necessary for developing a new device adapter. Next, we use the `ci/`_ script to checkout the Micro-Manager source code and 3rdpartypublic dependencies. These will be placed into a directory named `/opt/rpi-micromanager`. It is required by the build tool's `docker-compose.yml`_ file to place the development files here; let's first create it and set its ownership: .. code-block:: console $ sudo mkdir -p /opt/rpi-micromanager $ sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt/rpi-micromanager If you do not want to place the source code in this directory, then you can either: 1. create a symlink at `/opt/rpi-micromanager` that points to your alternative directory, or 2. modify `docker-compose.yml`_ to point towards your alternative directory. The build container uses `ccache`_ to decrease the build time. ccache requires that there be a directory in your `$HOME` folder named `.ccache` to store the cached artifacts; it will automatically be created for you if it does not already exist when you run the prebuild script. Let's run the prebuild script now: .. code-block:: console $ ci/ /opt/rpi-micromanager This step usually takes a few minutes due to the large size of the 3rdpartypublic repository. After it has completed, you should find the following inside `/opt/rpi-micromanager`: .. code-block:: console $ tree -L 1 /opt/rpi-micromanager /opt/rpi-micromanager ├── 3rdpartypublic └── micro-manager .. _ci/ .. _docker-compose.yml: .. _ccache: Writing device adapters +++++++++++++++++++++++ Writing a general purpose Micro-Manager device adapter is outside the scope of this tutorial; help may be found on the `Micro-Manager website`_ and `the mailing list`_. Here we discuss how to build a simple device adapter for the Raspberry Pi. The device adapter will have a single property that can be switched between two states: `on` and `off`. Navigate to the device adapters folder inside the RPi-DeviceAdapters folder. .. code-block:: console $ cd src/DeviceAdapters For the sake of this tutorial, delete the folder named `RPiTutorial`. We will recreate it and its contents next. .. code-block:: console $ rm -rf RPiTutorial # Recreate the (empty) folder $ mkdir RPiTutorial Next, create three empty files named `RPiTutorial.h`, `RPiTutorial.cpp`, and `` inside this folder. .. code-block:: console $ cd RPiTutorial $ touch RPiTutorial.h RPiTutorial.cpp With your text editor, open the file named **RPiTutorial.h**, and enter the following code: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/RPiTutorial/RPiTutorial.h :language: cpp :linenos: The most important method defined in this header file is `OnSwitchOnOff(MM::PropertyBase* pProp, MM::ActionType eAct)`, which is the callback method that is called whenever the switch is flipped. The internal state of the switch is stored in the private variable `switch_`. All other methods are required by the `CGenericBase` API. Now let's implement the switch. Open the file **RPiTutorial.cpp** and enter the following lines: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/RPiTutorial/RPiTutorial.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: Most of this code is boilerplate, i.e. code that is required by the MMDevice API but that does not directly affect the functionality that the user sees. The property that implements the On/Off switch is created here: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/RPiTutorial/RPiTutorial.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: :lines: 118-123 Its switching behavior is defined here: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/RPiTutorial/RPiTutorial.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: :lines: 148-165 Now, open `` and add the following lines: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/RPiTutorial/ :linenos: This file instructs Autotools how to create the Makefile when the code is compiled. .. _Micro-Manager website: .. _the mailing list: Building the libraries ++++++++++++++++++++++ To build the Micro-Manager core and device adapter that we just wrote, we first need to add RPiTutorial to the list of device adapters in `src/DeviceAdapters/` and `src/DeviceAdapters/`. Here is what `` looks like: .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/ :linenos: And here is an excerpt of the relevant part of `` that should be modified. In both files, the list of DeviceAdapters should be in alphabetical order. .. literalinclude:: ../src/DeviceAdapters/ :linenos: :lines: 412-419 Now that we have written our device adapter and updated the Autotools files, we need to merge our code with the Micro-Manager source code. This is easily performed with the `ci/`_ utility script: .. code-block:: console $ ci/ /opt/rpi-micromanager Each time you change the code you can run this script and it will copy only the changed files into the appropriate directories of `/opt/rpi-micromanager/` (or whatever directory you pass as an argument). The final step is to compile Micro-Manager and the libraries for our device adapter. If this is the first time you are doing this, it may take a long time (around half an hour). Subsequent compilations should be three or four times faster because the compiler cache will have been built. To begin compilation, change into the `ci/build` directory. .. code-block:: console $ cd ../../../ci/build The build will be performed inside a Docker container that contains the build dependencies and `QEMU`_, the emulator for the ARM processor architecture. Having a Docker image that is already configured for compilation ensures that you will have the proper dependencies without having to manually configure your environment. To download the Docker image from Dockerhub, run the following command. .. code-block:: console $ docker-compose pull Finally, begin the compilation by running .. code-block:: console $ docker-compose up If all goes well, then you will find the build artifacts in `/opt/rpi-micromanager/build` at the end of the compilation: .. code-block:: console $ tree /opt/rpi-micromanager/build /opt/rpi-micromanager/build/ ├── lib │ └── micro-manager │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └── share └── micro-manager └── MMConfig_demo.cfg (The contents of your build directory may be different depending on what device adapters were built.) The libraries for the RPiTutorial device adapter are the files `` and ``. In addition, RPi-DeviceAdapters builds the Micro-Manager Python wrapper. The relevant files for the wrapper are `_MMCorePy.*` and ``. The Python wrapper may be imported into a Python script to gain access to the methods in the Micro-Manager core. Whenever you make changes to your code during development, you will need to run the `ci/` script to copy the changes into `/opt/rpi-micromanager` before recompiling. It would also be good to occassionally pull any updates to the build container by running `docker-compose pull`, but this should rarely be necessary. .. _ci/ .. _QEMU: Deploying the app +++++++++++++++++ At this point, you may transfer the compiled librariers to your Raspberry Pi for use. However, manual transfers of the libraries can be cumbersome. Furthermore, it can be diffcult for others to benefit from your work if they have to recompile your source code on their own. For these reasons, RPi-DeviceAdapters provides tools to create a Docker-based app that can easily be uploaded and downloaded from `Docker Hub`_ for on-demand use. To create the app, first navigate to the `ci/app` folder. .. code-block:: console $ cd ../app Next, use the Makefile to build the Docker image that contains the app. .. code-block:: console $ make build While creating the image, the Makefile will copy the contents of `/opt/rpi-micromanager/build` into the image and configure the Python environment. (You will need to edit the Makefile and change the location of the build artifacts if you are using a directory other than `/opt/rpi-micromanager`.) Let's verify that the image has been built. Though your output will differ slightly, you should see something similar to the output found below. .. code-block:: console $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE kmdouglass/rpi-micromanager build 24d67a46e281 5 days ago 745MB At this point, you will need to create a `Docker Hub`_ account if you do not already have one and login via the command line. .. code-block:: console $ docker login The final step before uploading the image is to retag it so that it points to your Docker Hub repository and not the default one. .. code-block:: console $ docker tag kmdouglass/rpi-micromanager USERNAME/rpi-micromanager Here, `USERNAME` is your Docker Hub username. Finally, we can upload the image: .. code-block:: console $ docker push USERNAME/rpi-micromanager and, from the Raspberry Pi, download the image: .. code-block:: console $ docker pull USERNAME/rpi-micromanager You will need Docker installed on your Raspberry Pi to pull the image. .. _Docker Hub: